About Us
Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2021 will be ONLINE on September 6-10, 2021. CGI is one of the oldest annual international conferences on Computer Graphics in the world. Researchers are invited to share their experiences and novel achievements in various fields of Computer Graphics.
Former CGI conferences have been held in Yokohama in Japan, Heraklion in Greece, Strasbourg in France, Sydney in Australia, Bintan in Indonesia and Calgary in Canada, and last year, CGI 2020 was virtual. This year, CGI2021 is organized by MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland and supported by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS). The Visual Computer is the official journal of the Computer Graphics Society. THE CONFERENCE CGI2021 WILL BE VIRTUAL DUE TO THE CONTINUATION OF THE PANDEMIC WORLDWIDE.
Website: http://www.cgs-network.org/cgi21
All accepted papers to the CGI LNCS track will be included in the CGI conference proceedings published by LNCS, Springer. We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics related to:
- Rendering Techniques
- Geometric Computing
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Shape and Surface Modeling
- Physically Based Modeling
- Computer Vision for Computer Graphics
- Scientific Visualization
- Data Compression for Graphics
- Medical Imaging
- Computation Geometry
- Image Based Rendering
- Computational Photography
- Computer Animation
- Visual Analytics
- Shape Analysis and Image Retrieval
- Volume Rendering
- Solid Modelling
- Geometric Modelling
- Computational Fabrication
- Image Processing
- 3D Reconstruction
- Global Illumination
- Graphical Human-Computer Interaction
- Human Modelling
- Image Analysis
- Saliency Methods
- Shape Matching
- Sketch-based Modelling
- Robotics and Vision
- Stylized Rendering
- Textures
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning for Graphics
- 3D Fabrication
Workshop in Homage to Professor T.L.Kunii
This workshop is a full day event with invited contributors, and panel discussions. The event brings together students, faculty, and research scientists who were inspired by Professor Kunii and his great vision. A special Issue in homage to Professor Kunii will be published in the Visual Computer. Invited Authors have to follow the guidelines of the journal. A maximum of 10 pages, double format, is recommended. Please contact@miralab.ch if you like to give a contribution.
ENGAGE Workshop
- Workshop @ CGI 20 2 1, 6th Sep 2021 –“Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics & Engineering”
Short and full LNCS Paper deadline for the ENGAGE Workshop extended to June 12. (CLOSED)
The scientific program of the conference will include accepted papers from the first call for papers and these accepted papers will be published by Springer in the Visual Computer Journal (impact factor 1.45) by Springer-Verlag. The accepted papers from the second call for papers will be included in the CGI conference proceedings published by LNCS, Springer.
Note that for both call for papers, the review process is double blind, which requires the paper and all supplemental materials to be anonymous. Ensure that self-referencing is anonymous (refer to your full name rather than “I” or “we”). Avoid providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgements (e.g. co-workers and grant IDs) and in the supplemental material (e.g. titles in the movies, or attached papers). Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines will lead to rejection without review.
We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics related to:
- Rendering Techniques
- Geometric Computing
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Shape and Surface Modeling
- Physically Based Modeling
- Computer Vision for Computer Graphics
- Scientific Visualization
- Data Compression for Graphics
- Medical Imaging
- Computation Geometry
- Image Based Rendering
- Computational Photography
- Computer Animation
- Visual Analytics
- Shape Analysis and Image Retrieval
- Volume Rendering
- Solid Modelling
- Geometric Modelling
- Computational Fabrication
- Image Processing
- 3D Reconstruction
- Global Illumination
- Graphical Human-Computer Interaction
- Human Modelling
- Image Analysis
- Saliency Methods
- Shape Matching
- Sketch-based Modelling
- Robotics and Vision
- Stylized Rendering
- Textures
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning for Graphics