1st prize: 

2nd prize: 

Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics & Engineering

Workshop @ CGI 22 from 12-16 September 2022DOWNLOAD CALL FOR PAPERS


Submission Deadline

Notification of Acceptance
ENGAGE WorkshopJune 12, 2022, 23:59 CET (CLOSED) July 05, 2022 (CLOSED) July 24, 2022 (CLOSED)

kEYNOTE SPEAKER : Stephen de Keninck

Title: GAGA – Geometric Algebra Graphics Aplications

In this talk Steven explains the fundamental geometric building blocks of Geometric Algebra and how they lead to a framework so elegant it can not be unseen. Tackling real problems in computer graphics, we explore how a dimension and metric agnostic perspective can simplify a wide range of CG tasks.
Invigorate and deepen your understanding of both geometry and algebra with this 1 hour long deep dive into an algebra that calculates directly with planes, lines and points.